Friday, May 08, 2009


I have resorted to bad cliche and minute descriptions in order to put more words to my count. Although more and more odd people are beginning to populate the setting, my hometown not in any way concealed or veiled.

Whatevs, I have a hard enough time keeping the geography straight in real places much less fake ones, and this is a practice novel, just to get it done and accomplished and hid under the bed for all eternity if not ceremoniously burned. Anyways, I am going to stop for right now. Watch some Gray's Anatomy 100th episode, and maybe go back to it later tonight and certainly tomorrow morning. I may also bust out the help book Sally sent me for ideas on how to power through this slump or rather challenge, this challenge. At least I am close to where I should be today, and tomorrow's numbers are doable.


Jim said...

Congratulations on hitting 4000! Is the weekly deadline Sunday? And if you need ideas for challenges, I could come up with some stuff. I should start posting like you are. Doesn't seem fair if I'm not putting myself out there, too.

Heather K said...

I haven't hit 4,000 yet. The weekly deadline is Saturday, so I have to be serious about writing tonight. Of course I have nothing else to do, so that should be helpful.

Jim said...

I know you hadn't hit 4000; it just sounded better than, "Congratulations on hitting 3918!" I have to do a lot to catch up tonight. You are much better at pacing than I am.

Heather K said...

I feel like I am awful at pacing, and that I am totally avoiding (I was going to write neglecting) out of childish spite of being told what to do. By myself in this case.

Jim said...

I have a horrible time getting myself to listen to myself.

Word Verification: "eliess" as in "'E liess ...", said by Lord Voldemort when a foul stench filled the halls of Hogwarts and Harry Potter revealed "He Who Must Not Be Named" as the one who dealt it.

Sally said...

You and Jim should do a word war.

Or you could try some sprints, which is where you just sit down for five or ten or fifteen or twenty minutes and type as fast as you possibly can without worrying about anything. Just type.

Or, I could give you some dares. In fact, you could look at the forums on the NaNoWriMo site and see the postings in the dare threads. There's nothing stopping you from taking one on if you choose.

(One of my favorites is the Traveling Shovel of Death. You should look it up.)