Friday, January 08, 2010

Tonight-Do you have a flaaaag?

I see some Eddie Izzard tonight. With Sallyacious. At the United Center which seems an uneccessarily huge venue to see a stand up comic, and we opted for the cheaper tickets which mean upper deck rather than spending twice as much to maybe get super close. I mean our tickets are probably some of the best in our price range because we bought presale, but still.

I am very excited because he is my favorite Executive Transvestite.


Robyn said...

ooh jealous!

Sally said...


I still can't believe we were howling for a good 10-15 minutes at a joke he told mostly in LATIN with some French & German thrown in.

And I fucking love the Velociraptor. And Shirley Temple's left eye. "The Horror!"

Thank you for going with me. It was such an awesome show.