Thursday, February 08, 2007

Clearing things up

I am not quite as sad or pathetic as the boyfriend/potential husband gathering entry of the other day. It spiraled out of control with the Jenny and the Lauren not just mocking me as expected. Really mostly Jenny with the being serious when I was almost 100% sure she would be the most mocking (c'mon girl are you falling down on the job, did you retire?)because well that used to be what she does.

Tomorrow I get to spend all day with my favorite crazy Persian, and tonight I get to spend with the final episode of season one of "The Wire" which I have come to quietly love. As Lauren says, "They are all so brilliantly fucked up." They are. The ensemble is full of brilliant generous actors who revel in their characters humanity, and it is an unusual brand of humanity for television because everyone has flaws and everyone has beauties, and the writers don't allow any one side to be favored over the other. Neither the cops nor the drug dealers are heroic, but neither are they villains. They are people who struggle to do what is best, sometimes for themselves and sometimes for the greater good. Sometimes they just struggle.


Anonymous said...

is it sad that i'm hopping up and down like a cat on coke because i made your LABEL? hehe.

now. you're right. while i normally am of the mock-first-apologize-later camp...when it comes to matchmaking...i'm weak. it's when i float down and take on my most human form. it's true.

you know. my other friends that were formerly of chicago (now of wisconsin) that i told you about? the grossly uber-successful ones? i hooked them up. they're married with one child now, btw and have been together for...geez...since 1998? now..that couldddd be a stroke of luck...but i'll take credit anyhow. :)

i have every faith in your ass-tapping abilities--i just like to have front row tickets. hehe. you doesn't sound quite right...but i'm sure you know what i mean.

i'm sure i probably won't know for a little while how july turns out...but i bet a nice tax return could grant you a visit from me! hehe.

speaking of july. dear lord i'm writing a lot. but speaking of it. if it does all turn out nicely. i'm thinking you, me, some other friends, a bbq and drinks one night. anyone you want to invite too of course. that would be heaps fun!

Jim said...

you didn't blog about this, but I wanted to comment here: wasn't top design as bad as last week if not worse? i was happy that they kicked out the more dramatic, but suckier designer (John) but for the second week in a row the only reason to watch this show was to look at the designs.

-al said...

jen, i don't know you, but i have to say that i'm impressed that you are willing to express your "faith in [Heather's] ass-tapping abilities."
that comment made me laugh.
and, heather, if you really want to be mocked, i'm more than happy to accomodate. Here's a freebie: you ARE as "sad and pathetic as the boyfriend/potential husband gathering entry of the other day."

i hope you understand this is a purely business transaction. mocking for mock sake only.

Heather K said...

I thought top design got a little bit better. Still no runway or even top chef, but not quite such a train wreck.

Alan, I always knew you would step up the plate and mock me. I had no doubt.

Anonymous said...

hehe. thanks al!

heather--i have nothing to watch on wednesdays still and nothing to watch on thursdays after smallville (yes i'm a sucker for a hot guy in tights) and i'd bemoan fridays as well if it weren't for having to sleep early to get up at an ungodly hour on saturdays.

boy. i'm nerdy.

laurenj said...

why do they ("they" being people in television land) make us choose between lost and top design???? It's not even fair!!! But, of course, one of them is replayed 20 times every week and one of them is not, so it's an easy choice...