Friday, February 02, 2007

What is the difference between nine degrees and nineteen?

One means your snot still stays liquid as it drips down your nose, and the other means it freezes or congeals onto the inside of your nose and there is stays on your walk to work. It is bitterly cold here, and it will only get worse this weekend (which means the frozen thermometer is the weather icon for Sun. forecast on my forecastfox). My plan is to not leave the house tomorrow. I will do my taxes, do some apartment cleaning, watch some movies, and basically wrap myself into a blanket for the whole weekend--my roommates have the same plan.


Jim said...

If you all used the same blanket, you'd be warmer.

Robyn said...

I want to see all your entries about "snot"

In my forcast fox- it says tomorrow will be 65 and sunny

Heather K said...

Right now I hate Robyn so much it actually hurts me a little. Although more honestly I just envy her so hard I think my hair is starting to turn green.

Anonymous said...

i am hoping to finish my taxes this weekend as well. god i hate it. i have to itemize all sorts of crap. and since i've moved so much i am hoping to go into the credit cards and print out all my work expenses! blah blah blah.

on a great note, since i didn't work the entire year or anything. i think i get money back!!! i have to file the oregon one too. blahhhhh.

btw. i love me my heather! :)