Tuesday, February 06, 2007

So much stuff, so little time

I really don't understand how most of the rest of the world gets things done. I never seem to have enough time to really do things. Actually, I probably do, but I love tv and sleep and the internet too much to have a ton of extra free time. I was going to go to two museums today, but now I will only go to one. Plus I will hang out with my friends Sara and Kristy, so I guess that ain't nothin' but it is less then I had planned. Perhaps my plans are unrealistic? Or maybe I am tainted by my younger days when I did a ridiculous amount of crap--although that was before I had the internet and I almost never watched tv then.

In defense of the internet, I love the blogs I read daily. They make me feel like a part of a community--sometimes of strangers but more often of friends, the very friends who read this blog--and they are my daily news and entertainment. The movies I watch from netflix and blockbuster are important to me as well. I started watching copious amounts of movies in high school when I got my license. I rented every classic movie "Crazy Mike's Video Store" had (granted that was like 65 movies), and I watch lots of award nominess and critical favorites. My netflix queue is over 200, and that is only probably only half of the movies I want to watch. It has been a goal of mine to see and know as many movies as possible--focusing on critical favorites and classics and even cult classics. That may be a weird goal, but it gives me a great deal of pleasure, so spending my days off watching 6 hours (on average) of movies isn't a waste of my time. It is working towards a goal. Now watching 5 hours of City Confidential on A&E, that's probably a waste of time, but the voice over is so lulling I cannot change the channel.

Umm, so that above was probably for myself as much as for any of you. Shout out to Jim and Donad for giving me credit for my Nathan prescience. Also, I am very sad this week because Herbert and Kristy are both leaving me at Pier One. In the next week. Two of my favorite coworkers gone. It won't be the same without them. It should motivate me to find a more financially rewarding job, so that I can start actually paying off my student loans and be able to live my life at the same time. Actually if I had posted yesterday, it would've been a long post about how just when you start to get your life in order it gets all fucked up again. Or if not fucked up, it just runs right off the track you had laid for it. I just want it to be easier. I just want someone else to take care of everything for me, so that I can spend my days watching movies. This is perhaps too much to ask. Some days I wonder if I wouldn't be happier living back in the tri-cities, married to some good Catholic boy watching movies and Oprah, and occasionally teaching and directing for ACT and maybe CBC and Hanford High School? I am of course missing the good Catholic boy, but I hear David Bruce is still single. I don't actually think I want that, but maybe I should go on a date with one of the eligibles my mom and her friends think would be good for me when I go home this summer? After the date, it should pretty well clear thing up right? Most likely, I will hate the very idea of being tied to him all the time, or I will be head over heels and all problems solved. Or none of the above because quite frankly we all know life is much more complicated then that.

I wonder who (other then the Bruce) my mom and her friends would hook me up with? Lauren and Jenny feel free to post potentials in the comments that would make me laugh or be serious or both.


laurenj said...

I vote for "marry a lawyer." it rocks. Unfortunately, the only tri-city lawyers I know are B. Hultgrenn and S. Crain, and they are both taken (not that you'd want to wander down either of those roads...) I saw Ben Davis over christmas and he is looking very strapping and responsible these days, but maybe a little too militant...Not to mention that he's in your brother's generation. How long out of high school do graduation years matter? In your home town- forever. That being said, I know absolutely no single men in western washington anymore. Wait-no- I know one teacher in Spokane, but I don't think you'd be a good match. Your combined knowledge of musical theatre trivia could cause the inland empire to implode.

Damn. This is a long comment. But seriously, get a higher paying job. Crappy-paying jobs are only a good trade off if you're doing something you love or need the flexibility for something else. If its a full-time job, it better be either something you love or something that pays your bills. Always better to marry a lawyer...

laurenj said...

hee hee hee! We just commented on each other's blogs at the same time!!!

Heather K said...


Marry a lawyer. My friend Brian works at a law firm right here in Chicago. Good to know.

Heather K said...

Also, I am so not marrying Ben Davis because he is like my little brother! Although his mom would be thrilled to have me as a daughter-in-law, but I kind of consider her my other mom already. And, now that I think about it, I have gone with her, my mom, my sister, and some (if not all) of her real daughters-in-law on mother/daughter shopping trips, lunches, and movies.

Anonymous said...

oh god. i don't think i even KNOW anyone anymore...certainly not anyone that's MALE in the tri-cities...

there's always kenny. but. i don't think you should take on god...if you do however, i claim front row tickets!

i say. you come with me to europe next year and we'll bring home some smoke puffing frenchies that want green cards! i'm surrrre we can at least manage that! :)

Anonymous said...

you know. your money problems would be solved too--i'll act as your lawyer and get him to pay you for marriage. i say it's a business transaction with merit!

but. actually. it just came to me. i DO know someone in the tri-cities that's male, nice, and available. he's not bad looking either. works out in the area and is our age. i've known him forever and he is quite gentlemanlike. not sure why i never thought of it before. interested?

Jim said...

This is, like, girl-exclusive geeking out. Still, I have a question: Do you really want a good catholic boy or is that just a cliche?

Heather K said...

That is just a cliche, and also it is exactly what my mother wants for me. Really, the good Catholic housewife is the daydream I have when I just don't want to work as hard as I do for so little. Plus, I feel like I don't really know how to get a job in the normal mainstream sort of world. This is where it gets me.

Is it wrong that I am a little afraid of who Jenny knows? Can I say I am curious without necessarily saying that I am interested? Is this going to weird me out?

Also I directed the question at Jenny and Lauren because they are from home.

Anonymous said...

i did forget to mention he's not catholic. i don't think he's anything. but he's really nice. and if you're interested...i can just place a call...hehe.

graduated our year or the year before us from kennewick high. i think i've known him since middle school.

Anonymous said...

hey. i just realized. i know someone else as well!

graduated year before us from richland high. he's a strange one though. but very cool.

he's on my myspace friends list under "cv."

he's also got his own blog site. here. lemme go grab the link...


Heather K said...

He lives back home. I don't actually want to move back home, I just think about it sometimes when life starts to get harder then I want it to be and before it turns right back around.

Although, I did go peek at his blog and his myspace page. He is cute (not that I expected you to suggest some sort of hunchback of Pasco, WA or something). And now I feel a little bit pathetic (although trying to figure out why he looks familiar, perhaps he knows my cousin--RHS class of '97).

Anonymous said...

well. both of them live in the 3-cities. lemme think on my friends in chicago. hmmm.

there's my two friends--and all their friends that graduated with them from univ. of chicago's mba program...i kept in touch with 2 of the guys i met there after i visited for awhile--but then. i stopped cause i'm not good at that stuff. hehe. this requires more thought. time...i need time!!! hehe.

cv=half japanese/white.
mike=half korean/white.

i might have a picture of mike and i around somewhere...and besides...it could be fun for when you visit home again...hehe.

btw. when are you coming back?

Heather K said...

I am coming home in july for as close to two weeks as possible, but maybe just one week.

Anonymous said...

shoot. i think that's when i'm OUT of the area...

Heather K said...

I think you need to fix that. I will be there surrounding the 21st of July (although that day and probably part of the next I will be in Idaho for a wedding).

Heather K said...

If you don't want to fix that, you could always come fly to Chicago.