Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year

So my wonderful friends Angie and Sara Jo braved the cold way down in Chinatown to watch the Chicago Chinese New Year's Parade. Like all Chicago parades, it would've been better if there were less people running for office in it.

It was fun. I liked the marching bands and the dragons (although there could've been more), but it was very cold. I lost my toes somewhere during the afternoon, and it would've been better warmer, so I don't think that I will go back unless it is like 75 degrees next February.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

By Angie you mean Angela right...Just wanted to clear up confusion that it was Angela and not Angie that braved the cold with us....And I must say that I was a little disappointed. I've seen better parades in Idaho!! But I'm very glad I went...